Community Social Investments Department (CSI- Donor Relations)

Help keep our program in the community! Consider a tax deductible donation!

Our private funders have launched their own ventures and we are looking for new funding; community leaders, philanthropists, and people who want to give back to their community.

We are in the process of revamping our funding strategy.l

CSI is an internal “invite only” fiscal sub- advisory committee, suggests new program projects.

Social Investment. Defined

Your Peer Group, Your Local Surroundings, Your Town, Your City, Your County, Your State, Your Nation, Your Earth.

Social Investments-
Thoughts, Words, Deeds, or Acts, dedicated to the growth and development of human societies. May or may not include a quantifiable market value, whereas the focus is on its qualitative effects.

Focuses on gearing Energy for Community Engagement & Civic Activation through creating Cause Marketing Campaigns. Targets Fund Development Strategies through collaborative, innovative approaches. Awards recognition to Pillar Community Leaders & Innovative Social Entrepreneurs(i.e. Community Social Investors).

Notice: It is not Financial Products or Investment Services, actually an internal Quality Assurance Measure.

Donate today! Every change makes a difference!


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